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TC Central presents check to Cowell Cancer Center from money collected during Purple Game

TRAVRESE CITY- On Wednesday players from Traverse City Central headed to the Cowell Family Cancer Center in Traverse City to present the check from the money collected during their Purple Game this year.

They went prior to their District game against TC West, and we spoke to the team about the importance of combining sport with community.

“To raise money for something like this. It’s this is larger than any game that will play in basketball, football, whatever it may be.


So, to be able to raise money and go to a good cause, help a family out or multiple families out, is just something that, you know, hopefully our guys, understand later in life that it’s s larger than in the game” (Luke Johnson, head coach).

“It’s pretty awesome. I mean, these people do a lot of good work, and (if) there’s anything we can help with like this, it’s awesome that we can help out” (Jack Potgieter, senior captain).

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