Her ruling could come any day, and could be pushed back as far as the end of April.
Chatfield will be back in court Friday for the final day of his preliminary exam.
Chatfield has denied the allegations and pleaded not guilty.
Whitmer says the state is still 140,000 units short of its needed housing capacity.
Transparency advocates say that the agreements obscure information from the public.
This year only, small businesses will be exempt from the policies until Oct. 1.
On Friday, the minimum wage increased to $12.48 an hour, also bumping the tipped wage to $4.74.
Under the plan, all workers would still accrue one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked.
Legislators say they’re optimistic they’ll be able to get the proposal to the governor’s desk before midnight.
Lawmakers are optimistic that they’ll be able to reach a compromise by Friday.
Advocates say that workforce reliability is essential in a time- and weather-sensitive business like agriculture.
The hourly minimum wage would increase this week as expected, moving from $10.56 to $12.48.
The tipped wage system will remain in place, along with set changes to the minimum wage.
The House and Senate still had not reached a deal by late afternoon Thursday.
Without intervention from the Legislature, tipped wage and sick time reforms will go into effect next week.