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New potential workforce housing to be located near downtown Traverse City

TRAVERSE CITY - Traverse City, City Commission meeting there will be a vote on an easement for a property on Eighth Street and Lake Avenue. An area walkable to downtown and other businesses. This property was formerly Copy Central and the owners wanted it to be used for work-force housing. To qualify, you will need to earn 80% to 120% of the area’s median income. The mayor is looking forward to the potential work-force housing to make living downtown more accessible.

“Housing in Traverse City area is super expensive and it can be really hard for even like nurses and firemen and people who are thought of as having really good, high paying jobs to afford to live here, actually,” says Mayor Amy Shamroe, “So, this workforce housing is a little different than low income housing, and so it offers a little bit of relief for people that maybe make more than a low income, but still struggle to find housing here in Traverse City.”

This vote is the first step in the process for the city. There are no set plans on what the housing will look like yet.

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