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Wellness Wednesday: Communication is key

with Michigan Therapy and Counseling

St. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and for many this will be a time to celebrate romantic relationships and improve our interpersonal dynamics with our loved ones. Traditionally this meant the pressure of purchasing gifts, chocolates, and flowers for your significant other but the holiday is evolving to become a day to focus on what works and what can use some work in any given relationship.

One key to a healthy and positive coupling is communication which will lead to a lot of benefits but first and foremost, a deep satisfaction in the relationship from both parties.

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But these lessons in open communication can be utilized by anyone, not just couples. For anyone that is single these same techniques and tips can be used to foster deeper connections with friends and family, developing relationships in such a way that will leave you at peace with those in your inner circle.


For more information on the power of communication or to schedule your appointment for additional assistance visit the Michigan Therapy and Counseling website.

If you or someone you care about is having a difficult time with the Valentine’s Day holiday please do not wait, call 9-8-8 immediately for help. We want you here and You Matter.

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