For today’s episode of For Science, we explore how fat molecules change and scatter due to different chemical reactions. Most see milk as just liquid, but in actuality, it consists of, yes, a lot of water, but also minerals and fats.
Food coloring being added to the water does nothing but allow us to see this chemical reaction take place, and of course for the holiday season, we used green and red.
Now what will happen when we place a small drop of dish soap onto a Q-tip and place it in the milk? Magic.

Materials Needed:
- Milk (whole milk works best)
- Clear bowl
- Food coloring
- Q-tip
- Dish Soap
- Place milk into clear bowl.
- Put a few drops of food coloring into the bowl of milk and allow to settle.
- What do you think will happen is we put soap on a Q-tip and place in bowl?
- Put a small droplet of dish soap on your Q-Tip and place into bowl