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More than 300 job postings between Wexford, Manistee and Missaukee counties

CADILLAC---As Michigan’s unemployment rate continues to rise, the nationwide unemployment rate is actually coming down.

Ever heard the phrase looking for a full-time job is a full-time job? Well, there’s a reason for it.

From resume writing to snagging the interview, the process can seem endless and riddled with obstacles.


“I think anywhere you go in our ten counties, you’re going to hear housing, transportation and childcare,” director of Northwest Michigan Works, Jessica Willis said. “Those three things are typically the main barriers that often get in the way of people, obtaining and retaining employment,”

There’s no one size fits all solution, barriers need to be managed on an individual basis. Everyone’s situation is different, but one of the most important things is to face those barriers head on. Fight the urge to lie on your resume, tell the truth about background checks that may reveal criminal records, and use solid references.

Willis said if you do that, there are employers ready to provide opportunities.

“What we hear mostly from employers is they’re just looking for people that can be honest, dependable, on time, respectful and learn the job.


“You know, if you’re ready to show up and do those things, everything else pretty much can get shelved in our experience,” said Willis.

Between Wexford, Manistee and Missaukee counties; nearly 300 job postings are available, most are hiring for multiple positions. “If you’re on unemployment and you are interested in finding employment, come to our office and we’ll help you figure that out.” Another opportunity includes Michigan Works career connection day. It puts job seekers and the Michigan Works business staff together to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers.

“You might be where we have a business service representative who’s like I got this open, I just heard about it and you’re standing there with your resume. It’s just making another opportunity for our job seekers to make connections with employment today and job opportunities that are open today.”

The next Career Connections meeting takes place on Sept. 24.

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