[gtxvideo vid=”900LetyZ” playlist=”” pid=”3EJb0xjK” thumb=”//content.jwplatform.com/thumbs/900LetyZ-120.jpg?cachebust=1554503636751″ vtitle=”BrewVine Harbor Hill Mobile Bottling Unit”]
We get a peek at a unique addition to the wine industry in Michigan: the state’s very first mobile wine bottling unit!
Yes, mobile!
They’re pretty popular throughout the growing regions along the West coast, but we haven’t seen them in our neck of the woods until now.
During our visit, Harbor Hill’s Mobile Bottling Unit was putting the finishing touches on Verterra Winery’s newest vintage of Pinot Grigio.
The wine is pumped from fermentation tanks and out to the trailer, where they’re filled, capped, corked, labeled and boxed-up!
For more information, click .
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