If you’re looking for a good book to read during deer camp, a local conservation officer has you covered.
‘Wildlife 911 On Patrol’ tells the stories of author John Borkovich and his experiences as a Michigan Conservation officer.
With more than 30 years as a conservation officer, Borkovich has seen it all.
From busting poachers to using compassion to solve problems.
Borkovich says it is not only the conservation officer’s job to protect natural resources, but to protect everyone who uses what Michigan has to offer.
“We have to be on the same team we have to be on the same side of this because we love nature so much, we respect our environment we need to all be on this mission to be good stewards of that. We need to be good stewards and take care of all thats around us,” Borkovich said.
To order the book . Or call (810) 523-2103 to order a signed copy.

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