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Kingsley home invasion results in deadly stabbing

KINGSLEY — On at 10:07 p.m. March 7, the Grand Traverse County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residence in Kingsley for a Home Invasion.

According to a March 7 news release, the caller, a 64-year-old male, stated that someone had broken into his residence and the caller said that he had stabbed the suspect in the abdomen.

Kingsley EMS, Blair EMS and the Grand Traverse County Sheriff’s Office all responded to the scene. The male who had broken into the home is a 43-year-old Kingsley male. The male was transported by ambulance to Munson Medical Center where he ultimately died.


During the preliminary investigation, officers learned that the deceased had gotten into an argument with his girlfriend. He left the residence and took their dog for a walk.

A short time later he began knocking on the door of a residence a short distance down the street. This male then forced open the front door of the residence and attacked the lone male occupant. The male was then stabbed by the homeowner.

At this time, it does not appear the two men knew each other. There is no further public safety concerns at this time.

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