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Chippewa Co. road crews work to clear snow before the next round hits

SAULT STE. MARIE — Over three feet of snow piled up in parts of Chippewa County over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

The hardest hit areas were Sault Ste. Marie and Sugar Island. In the video above, you can see image from the north end of Sugar Island showing the huge buildup of snow.

Residents spent time Monday cleaning off roofs and clearing driveways across the area. Road crews were out again getting to secondary roads, alleyways and shoulders.


With more accumulating snow predicted for late Tuesday into Wednesday, crews said they need to get as much done as they can.

“We are just trying to get all the roads opened up to their full width in the day or two we have before the next round of snow, because they tend to lose width and it’s hard to see during the storm event exactly where the edge is,” said Rob Laitenen, road commission manager.

Road crews remind drivers that they must stay at least 200 feet behind plows when they’re clearing roads – it’s the law.

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