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Young Eagles Workshops program offers aviation opportunities to youth

SAULT STE. MARIE — Soo Pilots Association EAA Chapter 1437 is hosting an informational meeting on Nov. 2 introducing the EAA Young Eagles Workshops program.

According to an Oct. 8 news release, the program provides an opportunity for youth to learn about aviation in a social setting, with free materials and activities at 9 a.m. Nov. 2 at Sanderson Field in Sault Ste. Marie.

EAA Chapter 1437, a local organization that is part of the National Experimental Aircraft Association, is dedicated to growing participation in aviation by sharing the ways people can get started in this fun and fulfilling recreation.


EAA’s Young Eagles Workshops program provides an opportunity for EAA chapters to offer youth who are of school age, 11 to 17, a chance to learn about aviation in a social setting at Sanderson Field. Through various classroom-style learning and hands-on activities, the Workshops provide emotional, creative, social, and educational growth for kids, with EAA adult members serving as aviation counselors.

Content and materials are FREE, including learning modules on a variety of aviation-related subject matter, activity worksheets, and interactive activities like hands-on building and fabricating projects and role-playing related to piloting.

Young Eagles also have unlimited, free use of the Soo Pilots Flight Simulator to practice skills and reinforce learning. As knowledge and interest grow, interested students may enroll in our free Private Pilot Ground School course as the next step of an aviation career.

EAA has approximately 900 chapters around the world, which provide activities for local aviation enthusiasts with a mission of growing participation in aviation by sharing “The Spirit of Aviation.”


Chapter activities range from monthly meetings to airport open houses, fly-ins, educational programs and pancake breakfasts that share aviation with the community and build a stronger bond between local aviation and the public.

EAA chapters are the backbone of the international EAA organization, which has more than 260,000 members. The local organizations include general EAA chapters as well as specialized chapters for vintage aircraft, warbird, ultralight and aerobatic flight enthusiasts.

For more information about the Young Eagles Flying Club, contact Lyle Willette at 906-203-5283 or email or click here.

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