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Federal court gives final approval to Michigan legislative districts

Michigan’s redistricting saga officially came to an end today with the court approval of newly drawn state senate maps.

Following a decision from a federal court last year that the previously finalized maps were unconstitutional, the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission resumed work to amend a dozen Detroit-area districts.

The court had ruled the districts unfairly diluted the power of Black voters in the region, ordering the commission to redraw districts in and around Detroit. The changes did not go beyond southeast Michigan.


The commission’s re-do of the state House map was approved by judges earlier this year, and will be in effect for the 2024 state house elections.

Commissioners took more time redrawing state senate districts, since those elections won’t be held until 2026.

Those maps just got final approval from the court, likely bringing the dispute to an end. Commissioners voted earlier this year to appeal the original ruling to the US Supreme Court, but the Court declined to intervene.

The body will reconvene in 2030 following the next national census.

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