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Short’s Brewing hopes to spread kindness after sharing video of an angry customer

BELLAIRE — Employees at Short’s Brewing Company recently had their hands full with an impatient customer they said was frustrated with their service.

“No two scenarios are the same. No two individuals are the same. Even an example like this where we were being championed for the last 24 hours, I don’t really feel like there’s been any victory here,” said founder Joe Short.

Short is referring to a video of the incident his company posted online. He said he regrets that decision, which may have created more anger and hate than it prevented.


“We created a post that I wasn’t necessarily sure should have been created, to be honest with you. After reviewing a lot of that feedback, in hindsight, I’m not sure if that was the best choice,” said Short. “I’m kind of frustrated living in this world where there’s a lot of finger pointing and hate.”

While this customer’s behavior might have been unacceptable, Short said busy summers mean his kitchen and waitstaff aren’t perfect either.

“You get a lot of people learning and training, and so missteps are just part of the formula that the consumer should anticipate,” said Short.

Pub tender Mark Jones said despite the stress and hustle, he embraces the joy the hospitality industry brings him.


“When people leave and think that they had a great time...people like to shower us with compliments and I just love it. I take it in,” said Jones. “We definitely rely on those tips, and whether or not you believe in that system, it’s where we’re at right now.”

Short echoed that sentiment and said that the community’s enthusiasm and financial support help keep local companies like his in business.

“A restaurant or a bar or a bakery or coffee shop, these are the cornerstones of what makes a great community. And if you start to to chip away all of these things, your community is going to be missing a large part of what makes it vibrant and desired to go visit,” said Short.

He said he hopes this incident will help inspire people to spread kindness in their community and to the people who serve them.

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