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CMU receives millions in largest-ever donation

MT. PLEASANT — CMU’s School of Medicine received its largest donation ever – $5.1 million.

The donation comes from the estate of Bruce E. Livingston and will be used to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the university. The donation will help students with the cost of attendance, with a portion allocated for student research.

The donation was given to the program because of the empathy and compassionate care that was given to Bruce E. Livingston when he was hospitalized.


“The care provided at the hospital by the medical staff, nursing staff, facility staff, goes a long way into someone’s healing journey. And in this case it was our medical students who provided outstanding care, sympathy and attention to Mr. Livingstone during his hospital admissions to one of the regional hospitals in the Great Lakes Bay region,” said George Kikano, Executive Vice President and Dean for the College of Medicine.

CMU says these added funds for students will help keep them in the region.

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