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On The Road: Baking classes coming to Bay Bread Company

Bay Bread Company in Traverse City will be offering fun workshops on Feb. 11 and Feb. 17, with snacks and beverages provided.

On Feb. 11, the Flowers and Flour workshop will help you design a flower arrangement for Valentine’s Day and also give you some cookie decorating tips. You’ll take home your own box of four cookies.

On Feb. 17, the Baked with Love workshop will help you bake your own loaf of bread in the shape of a heart. You’ll also receive cinnamon rolls to take home and enjoy.


If you’re not able to make the classes, the bakery will be having lots of other treats and specials leading up to Valentine’s Day.

Bay Bread Company is open Tuesday - Friday, 7a.m. - 5 p.m., and 8 a.m. - noon on Saturdays.

On The Road: Baking classes coming to Bay Bread Company-7:15

On The Road: Baking classes coming to Bay Bread Company-7:45

On The Road: Baking classes coming to Bay Bread Company-8:15

On The Road: Baking classes coming to Bay Bread Company-Good Day

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