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Mother’s Day Photo Contest

Looking for the right gift for mom this spring?

Entry is now closed but we are excited to share our winner – from among 688 photo entries – Linda Hickenbottom, nominated by her daughter, Stephanie Risner of Stanwood! Many of you visited our contest and told personal stories about your mother: thank you for sharing these meaningful memories! You can VISIT THE GALLERY HERE for the next few months to see the images and click any of them to read the stories.

Thanks again to our sponsors: PlantMasters of Suttons Bay and Miner’s North Jewelers for making this gallery possible.

Watch the video below to see Linda’s live announcement on the four.


Mothers Day Photo Contest

Check out the latest 9&10 News giveaway and what, PlantMasters of Suttons Bay and Miner’s North Jewelers, have in store this spring: one lucky winner will receive prizes packages from both of these sponsors! We need your help though: to find and share the stories of Northern Michigan mothers.

Tell us about your mother or a mother you feel could use some appreciation by nominating her for the Mother’s Day Photo Contest between May 1 and 10.

All you have to do to nominate a mother and enter her into the 9&10 News photo gallery is to click HERE and upload a photo along with some contact information: no purchase is necessary to enter or win. You will have the option to tell us more about your nominee: although not required for entry, we encourage you to take the time and share with us. Select stories and pages from the gallery will be shared in 9&10 News shows between May 1 and 10.

One lucky mother will win:


• A permanent 14k gold bracelet from Miner’s North Jewelers. What’s a permanent bracelet you may ask? This is a custom-fitted and carefully welded piece of “forever” jewelry that our winner can remember for a lifetime: valued at $100.

• Two flowering annual planters featuring the most colorful annual plants of the season from PlantMasters.

Note that winner will be required to visit these Traverse City area sponsor locations to claim these personalized prizes.

Our winning mother will be selected at random and announced on the four on May 12th.

Thanks to our sponsors, PlantMasters of Suttons Bay and Miner’s North Jewelers, for making the Mother’s Day Photo Contest possible. Visit their websites to learn more about their amazing gifts, available services, or to bring your questions to their knowledgeable staff.

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