Our spooky décor DIYs continue this week – we’re making our own trendy Halloween garland with yarn ornaments!
This is one of our longer crafts, so be prepared to take a little extra time to make it look cute!
For this DIY, you’ll need:
- Boho beads garland
- Black yarn
- White yarn
- Orange yarn
- Sharpie or googly eyes
- Green pipe cleaners
- Scissors
4 in x 3 in cardboard or a pompom maker.
We did three types of garland ornaments: regular pompoms, ghost pompoms, and pumpkin pompoms.
To make the regular pompoms:
Step one: Decide which color you’d like to make your pompom. Then, take your yarn strand and wrap it around your cardboard or pompom maker about 80 loops around.
Step two: Once you’re done wrapping, cut your yarn and an extra long string (about 7 in) to tie your looped yarn together.
Step three: Carefully slide your yarn off your tool. Make sure you hold on to your wrapped yarn so it doesn’t come undone. Take your extra string and tie it around the middle of your wrapped yarn.
Step four: Once your yarn is tied and secured, cut the ends of your looped yarn. This makes the spikes of the pompoms.
Step five: If you need to shape your pompom, take your scissors and give it a haircut! Make sure you have your longer string wrapped around and attached to your pompom. This will be what is tied on to your garland.
To make the pumpkin pompoms:
Step one: Take your orange yarn and repeat steps one through three above, wrapping your yarn around 60 times. Cut your wrapped yarn from your yarn ball to separate it.
Step two: Instead of cutting your yarn to make a ball, you’re going to leave your pompom the way it is once you’ve got it tied. It should look like an oval…or a pumpkin!
Step three: Take your green pipe cleaner and slide it through the top of your oval near the knot. Fold the pipe cleaner so it comes together. Twist it together to make a stem, and cut as needed.
Step four: Cut a long orange string from your yarn ball (about 7 in) and attach it to the top of your pumpkin, making sure your stem is sitting upright.
To make the ghost pompoms:
Step one: Wrap your white yarn around your tool 40 times. If you’re using cardboard, make sure you’re wrapping your yarn around the long side.
Step two: Cut your yarn from your yarn ball to separate it. Cut two extra strands of yarn about 3 in and 7 in. This will help create the ghost’s form.
Step three: Tie your 3 in string around the looped yarn about a third of the way from the top.
Step four: Cut the bottom half of the ghost only. This creates the body.
Step five: Tie the 7 in string through the loops still intact. This will create the head.
Step six: Use your sharpie to draw eyes on your ghost. You can also use googly eyes!
Once you’ve created all the pompoms you want to make, you’ll then want to attach them to your garland. We recommend counting out how many beads are in your garland, then dividing that by the amount of pompoms you have. That will create even spacing!
And there you have it! Your very own trendy Halloween garland.
If you have a craft you would like to see us try, feel free to email us at katiebirecki@9and10news.com or katywashburn@9and10news.com.

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