Looking outside, it may be a great day to be a duck but come Saturday, not so much. Or at least for the northern Lower Peninsula as waterfowl season begins for the region.
The season has already been open in the Upper Peninsula for two weeks but Saturday through Dec. 4, it’s open season on ducks and other waterfowl.
The South Zone of the state begins next Saturday.
The North Zone is designated from the Mackinac Bridge south to M-20, straight across the state.
“It’s one of the most enjoyable hunting situations for me,” said Lt. Joe Molnar of the DNR, “Deer hunting you have to sit in the blind, you have to be super quiet all the time. Waterfowl hunting is one of those you can be sitting around having a conversation. I know people who have grills on their boats or on their fields where they’re hunting. It’s a much more social type of hunting.”
The daily bag limit is six ducks of any species. No more than four may be mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), no more than three wood ducks, two redheads, two canvasbacks, two black ducks, one pintail, and one or two scaup.

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