So I am sure many kids have heard or seen this experiment before… It is called goo or slime. This popular STEM experiment has some neat science to it. When mixing glue and your activator you are creating a non-Newtonian fluid. The non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid that can act as a solid or liquid. But how so? Well If you put the slime in a jar it will take the shape of a jar, like water. But it also acts as a solid that does not fall apart and can be kept as is, like a tennis ball. What is so fun about slime is that you can do nearly anything with it! And who doesn’t love a gooey family experiment right before Halloween!
What you need:
- Bowl
- Elmers Glue
- Elmers Activator
- Glitter, Lots of Glitter
- Multiple Hands
- Measuring Cup
How to:
- Start by pouring 4 to 6 ounces of glue into your bowl.. we used 120 ml or 4 oz. The more glue, the more slime
- Mix in your activator (Elmer’s magical liquid), we used 10 ml or 2 teaspoons
- Stir the activator and glue together until you get the type of slime you want
- Add Glitter or other fun stuff to personalize your slime. Almost anything works
- You can add more activator or shaving cream to change how sticky your slime is!
- Have fun and enjoy
- Oh yeah, someone may have a mess to clean up!! Who is on kitchen duty?
If your kiddos try this experiment, send us photos of you and your experiment and you might get to see it during weather on The Four on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
Make sure you tune in every Tuesday and Thursday for a New 9&10 STEM. Send us an email at weather@9&10news.com or find us on Facebook and at Doppler 9&10 Weather Team if you have a weather question or want something in science explained! It does not have to be weather-related! Anything Science or math-based we’ve got you! You can always get the latest forecast on 9and10news.com/weather as well as interact with us on social media!
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