This weekend marks the opening of whitetail deer season in Michigan and it’s open to young hunters.
The Liberty Hunt and Mentored Youth Hunt both kick off Saturday.
The Liberty Hunt is for kids 16 and younger or anyone who qualifies with special disabilities.
And the Mentored Youth Hunt for those ages nine and under.
Both are open to private land state-wide.
The DNR says with younger sportsmen out, safety is the number one priority.
“This is our first firearm season so hunter orange is required when you’re out in the field. This is also the time of year we have lots of other hunter out there too. Just keep in mind who’s around you,” says DNR wildlife technician, Katie Keen.
Antlerless season also kicks off on Saturday and is open to anyone who purchases an early antlerless permit.
Deer check stations will be open throughout the state through the weekend.
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