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Filipino Salad Crepes


1 large egg

Fine salt

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon grapeseed oil, plus more for brushing

1/2 cup smooth peanut butter

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1 tablespoon tamari or soy sauce1 garlic clove, finely grated

1 green (unripe) mango, peeled and julienned

1 cup julienned carrot

1 cup julienned daikon

1 cup julienned English cucumber

1/2 cup torn mint leaves

1/2 cup lightly packed chopped cilantro

Small butter lettuce leaves

Chopped roasted peanuts Coconut vinegar, for serving


1.  In a medium bowl, beat the egg with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 1/2 cups of water. Gradually whisk in the flour just until a batter forms (it’s OK if there are lumps), then whisk in the 1 tablespoon of grapeseed oil.

2.  Heat an 8-inch nonstick skillet and brush with grapeseed oil. Add 1/4 cup of the batter and tilt the skillet to distribute the batter evenly. Cook over moderate heat until bubbles start to form around the edge of the crêpe, about 1 minute. Flip, then cook until lightly browned on the bottom, about 45 seconds longer. Transfer the crêpe to a baking sheet and top with a piece of wax or parchment paper. Repeat with the remaining batter, brushing the skillet with oil as needed; layer paper between each crêpe.

3.  In a small bowl, whisk the peanut butter with the coconut milk, tamari, garlic and 3 tablespoons of water; season with salt. In a medium bowl, toss the mango with the carrot, daikon, cucumber, mint and cilantro.

4.  Arrange the crêpes on plates. Top each with a lettuce leaf and some of the salad; drizzle with the peanut dressing. Sprinkle with peanuts and coconut vinegar and serve, passing additional vinegar and dressing at the table.